Students Respond to The Way to Happiness
The Way to Happiness has proved to be an invaluable tool for teachers in their endeavors to set their students on the path to lead moral and productive lives:Teacher, Venezuela:
“The activity was very good and educational to reinforce the values in the classroom, because today these values are disappearing. I think this material is excellent to correct inappropriate behaviors inside and outside the classroom. I would like the TWTH team to visit other schools to transmit this useful information to the students.”
“I want especially to thank Mr. L. Ron Hubbard who recognized the need of this valuable and ‘preventive medicine’ for today’s and future generations.”
Student, Venezuela:
“I really liked The Way to Happiness workshop, because with this we can have a better life without violence, drugs and crime. I learned important lessons to improve and become a better person.”
Teacher, Latvia:
“It was a good idea to have The Way to Happiness lectures in the schools of Latvia. A teacher can learn a right attitude, a new way of organizing and observe his or her pupils. I feel happy that we live in a better world than we think. Thank you!”
Student, Latvia:
“I found how important study for my life is! You can’t get results without a purpose. People have to learn new knowledge and skills because it will help them in their everyday life and work. Life isn’t always easy; you will have to overcome different obstacles.”
University Professor, Montenegro:
“I read The Way to Happiness booklet 10 times. I want to obtain more copies so that I could pass copies to the students of the university where I am a professor. I am happy that there are still very good and humane people who think about the new generations…. I want to thank you as a publisher and distributor and I want especially to thank Mr. L. Ron Hubbard who recognized the need of this valuable and ‘preventive medicine’ for today’s and future generations.”
Helping The World Find The Way to Happiness
The Way to Happiness reaches through many channels so as to provide people with a guide to lead happy and more fulfilling lives.

The Way to Happiness Foundation International works to reverse the moral decay of society by restoring trust and honesty through widespread distribution of the 21 precepts. Donations support production and distribution of The Way to Happiness booklet and curriculum material.