A City Finding Strength in The Way to Happiness
“When I heard about The Way to Happiness ‘Restoring Self Respect’ program, my first thoughts were, ‘Oh no, not another program.’ As a warden for 25 years and working in corrections for 38 years, I’ve seen so many programs come and go. After examining The Way to Happiness materials and 21 precepts they represent, I had to ask myself ‘How could something so simple be so powerful?’ It is not a religious program, but still it presented everything I had learned in Sunday School, vacation bible school, church, my upbringing from my family, and all throughout my career in leadership—the basic foundation of living a good life.
“But how would this go over with the men in my facility? I have some strong, convinced criminals here. They’ve got barriers they fight every day, they wake up ready to fight. Could this actually make a difference? When I saw the results of the program, and those who persevered to attain the life-changing values of happiness, I saw men making real progress on that journey to happiness. I saw men starting to care about the effect they had on others and beginning to take responsibility for their situation in life. And I saw them helping fellow inmates do the same. I would highly recommend it for any correctional facility.” Warden, Alabama Department of Corrections, USA
“I saw men starting to care about the effect they had on others and beginning to take responsibility for their situation in life.... I would highly recommend it for any correctional facility.”
“Please accept my warm left-hand greeting, a Scouts tradition, in conveying to you our sincere gratitude for the work of your prestigious institution for the benefit of the community and actions in support of the common citizen. We are happy with the message delivered by your foundation, the same values that, every Saturday, we bring to all members of our Scout group as part of our volunteer work. We are at your service to keep working together to shape better citizens, more Scouts, less violence, and to build a better world.” Head, Leadership Scouts Group, Venezuela
The Way to Happiness offers tailored portfolios and educator kits, because the need for moral values affects every sector of society:

The Way to Happiness program for businesses focuses on restoring trust and honesty in the workplace.
The Way to Happiness Foundation International works to reverse the moral decay of society by restoring trust and honesty through widespread distribution of the 21 precepts. Donations support production and distribution of The Way to Happiness booklet and curriculum material.