International Happiness Day Brings Joy and Meaning

The Secretary-General of the United Nations issued his annual message on the International Day of Happiness, March 20: “I wish everyone around the world a very happy International Day of Happiness. The pursuit of happiness is serious business. Happiness for the entire human family is one of the main goals of the United Nations.”
When Rohit Sharma, executive director of The Way to Happiness India chapter, heard these words, he went to work to make Happiness Day meaningful in his area.
Sharma and 1,500 volunteers took to the streets in a march in celebration of the day, handing out copies of the booklet with its 21 precepts for happy living to every person they passed.
The “Happiness March” was launched by the Member of Parliament for Arunachal State and included government officials, representatives of the Arunachal Police Department, and other civic and social organizations. Adults and children alike carried placards with each precept and wore Happiness Day T-shirts.

It culminated in the signing of a commitment: “I pledge to join my brothers and sisters across the planet starting with my own community in bringing happiness to my family, friends, associates and community.”
It continued: “I will engage in the practical activity of giving the gift of The Way to Happiness book to each person whose survival is important to me.”
To round it out, Sharma appeared on the Doordarshan television channel, the official TV station of India. In a 40-minute program, he reached more than 4 million viewers with the message of The Way to Happiness in celebration of International Happiness Day.
The Way to Happiness booklet of 21 precepts (rules or directions for conduct) is the centerpiece of comprehensive educational programs for school and community educators, business trainers and correctional professionals—complete with lesson plans and audiovisual teaching aids.
The Way to Happiness Foundation International works to reverse the moral decay of society by restoring trust and honesty through widespread distribution of the 21 precepts. Donations support production and distribution of The Way to Happiness booklet and curriculum material.