Corporate and community leaders all agree that The Way to Happiness is the effective way to restore honesty, respect and competence.
“By changing the office culture, I knew we could address and stem employee turnover and that larger customers would no longer feel and experience the constant change of Account Executives and they too would become settled. The Way to Happiness initiative worked better than we expected. Within a year we had reduced our employee turnover from 35 percent to 15 percent and our customer turnover from 25 percent to 10 percent.” —Insurance Executive
“The Way to Happiness gives me strong stable tools to use to clarify the real issues involved with staff, vendors and in solving contract issues. It enables me to do the right thing and make sound ethical decisions. It is a powerful tool for today’s business world. I highly recommend The Way to Happiness to anyone in business and in life in general.” —Vice President for Computer Technology, International Media & Entertainment Company
“The values in the book became equated with our firm’s culture and trust increased. Employees saw the virtues from The Way to Happiness as what we stand for and thus productivity increased.” —Managing Director, Financial Institution
“We have found that the booklet is an excellent tool for improving personnel relations, customer relations and company values. Our staffs frequently refer to The Way to Happiness booklet when confronted with problems they don’t quite know how to handle. We are so pleased with the booklet that we have now begun to hand out copies to our customers.” —Manager, Nutritional Center
“I decided to write your Foundation and request copies of your booklets simply because I have read it and I believe in the principles which your booklet discusses. The twenty-one precepts are truly pertinent to our lifestyles today and I believe that many of our guests feel the same way about your publication as I did upon reading it. Also, interesting analogy…that is, comparing life to a high-speed road and those who wish happiness need to know where the edges are!” —Department Coordinator, Resort Hotel
“Participating with The Way to Happiness program has been most rewarding to me. I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing my patients’ favorable responses. I encourage anyone considering participating in The Way to Happiness program to do so. The more people who have access to the booklet, the better our society will be.” —Dentist
“This is a nonreligious writing and it can go into schools and it can go to people and it can put them there with a moral standard that’s missing in society today.” —National Basketball Association (NBA) Coach
“The Way to Happiness doesn’t compromise a person’s existing religious beliefs or social status. In a sense it is all pervasive, whether a Muslim or Hindu, even a nonbeliever, it can make a very telling message that is relevant to your own circumstances.” —Prime Minister (Retired), Guyana, South America
“The Way to Happiness book was, and is, the main reason I have a very successful loss ratio, and that means that my clients as a group are doing much better. As a result of this success, I have made the book the foundation upon which my agency expansion is based. It is now given to individuals interviewing for a job with the agency and I give it to other agents and associates. I highly recommend its use in business.” —D.N., Insurance Agent, Los Angeles, California
“For the past several years, my brothers and I have been active participants and sponsors in the American ‘Set a Good Example Contest’ which is based on the book The Way to Happiness. It’s been good for our business because it positions us on the right side of the fight against drugs and raises our standing and respect among business associates because of our active participation. The purpose of the campaign and results are very important to us, since we are directly concerned with building a saner and happier environment for our kids to grow up in. We hope that our active involvement in the campaign has inspired other businesses to do the same.” —J.F., Businessman, Palo Alto, California
“I think The Way to Happiness books would be a good addition to our motel reading material. Since they are nonreligious they cannot offend anyone and many would enjoy them.” —Hotel Manager, Florida
“Participating with The Way to Happiness has been most rewarding to me. I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing my patients’ favorable responses. Many have personally thanked me for The Way to Happiness book and were pleased to get another to pass it on to friends. I encourage anyone considering participating in The Way to Happiness program to do so. The more people who have access to this book, the better our society will be.” —M.S., Dentist, Waco, Texas
“The wisdom contained in The Way to Happiness is a continuing inspiration to the front office: each day a new thought is shared with the staff. The positive effect on the staff is certainly reflected in their interaction with guests of our hotel.” —Hotel Guest Service Manager, Georgia
“We frequently refer our employees to the book to help them work out personal problems. Frankly, the book is a contributing factor to our success. (We’re opening our fourth new branch office...)” —R.S., Executive Training Officer, Burbank, California
“Per your suggestion, we are giving The Way to Happiness to each of our customers upon completing our service work on their home. Following are some of the responses. Recently one of our customers took the time to call and commend us on our fine work spreading The Way to Happiness. She said she was reading it to her children. I also had a chiropractor order 1,000 copies to distribute to her clients. And last week a customer called our office requesting more copies to leave in his dental practice office. It is spreading like wildfire.” — T.C., Area Coordinator, St. Paul, Minnesota
“Our hotel guests are very happy about this book. I received them and placed them in each guest room, and the response is very positive. I am pleased to have this book to help in creating a society of happiness.” —Hotel Manager, California
“While selling rugs on the roadside recently I gave a copy of The Way to Happiness to the owner of the property I was selling on. The next day he came back and asked for seven more copies of the books. He wanted to give them to specific friends and business associates. I thanked him for letting us use his property to sell rugs on and especially for offering to let us sell there on Sunday as well, rent-free. He emphatically held up the extra copies of The Way to Happiness I had just given to him and said, ‘That’s a small price to pay for this!’ ” —L.J., Pocatello, Idaho
“It is obvious that the morals and integrity of a large portion of our population are lacking today. Your book says it simply, as it should be, and hopefully will play on the conscience of people to realize the need to improve their lifestyles for a healthier and more vital environment, not only for themselves but for everyone around them.” —Hotel General Manager, Texas
“I’m writing this letter to you to express my views on the use of The Way to Happiness book in the workplace. Because of the remarkable success in applying it, the staff has overwhelmingly voted to adopt The Way to Happiness as the official moral code. For that reason, the book is included in our Company Handbook and studied by the entire staff. Thank you for all the work you have done to make this possible.” —C.J., Chairman and CEO, Los Angeles, California
“We have found that the book is an excellent tool for improving personnel relations, customer relations and personnel morale....Our staff frequently refer to The Way to Happiness book when confronted with problems they don’t quite know how to handle. We are so pleased with the book that we have begun to hand out copies to our customers.” —M.B., Nutritional Center, Hollywood, California
“At my first reading of The Way to Happiness, I was impressed by the simplicity and clarity of the precepts, and the wonderful practicality of the work. The Way to Happiness is a book of common sense that helps steer kids away from a life of drugs and crime, and can restore the traditional values to the society by giving individuals and groups basic principles that promote an understanding of right and wrong. I would recommend to other businesses and socially concerned individuals that they join in this campaign.” —T.H., Executive, Glendale, California
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